Publication date: 24-5-2024

The privacy policy governs the company's processing of personal data. 

The provisions of this privacy policy describe how Arinka Soap processes, stores and receives personal data. 

References to the words "we", "our" or "us" (or similar terms) mean the company.

References to the words "you" or "your" (or similar terms) mean the customer receiving the services.

The words he/she and their derivatives in the text of the document can be applied to either a male or female person, depending on the context of the document.

We are grateful to you for using the company's services. 


1.1. Personal data is any data by which the user can be directly or indirectly identified. For example, first name, surname, telephone number and IP address.

1.2. Statistical data is any information that is publicly available and belongs directly or indirectly to the user. For example, data on the name or address of the customer's company.

1.3. Services are an algorithm of actions that the company performs for the customer in developing a website and/or other related software. 

1.4. The Company's website (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") means a web page or group of web pages on the Internet at the address:

1.5. Company "Arinka Soap" (hereinafter referred to as the "Company" or "Arinka Soap") is a legal entity that provides services to the customer and belongs to Arinka Soap.

1.6. Customer is a natural or legal person ordering services from the company.

1.7. Guest is a natural person who enters the Site.

1.8. User is a common name for Customer and Guest.

1.9. Third party means a natural or legal person, public authority, institution or body in addition to the company or user, controller or processor. 

1.10. Controller - a natural or legal person, public authority, institution or other body that independently determines the purposes and means of processing personal data.

1.11. Processor - is a natural or legal person, public authority, institution or other body that processes personal data on behalf of and for the account of the Controller.

1.12. Cookies - is a piece of information in the form of text or binary data sent from the site to the browser.

1.13. User consent (hereinafter "consent") - means a voluntary, specific, informed and unambiguous expression of will, in which the user consents, by means of a statement or explicit affirmative act, to the processing of their personal data and to compliance with the terms of this privacy policy.


2.1. The company provides services to users from different regions of the world. Therefore, the company uses the laws of different jurisdictions in its operations.

2.2. The company acts as a processor in relation to the processing of personal data it receives from the user during the provision of services to him.


3.1. The company may receive the following personal data about the customer:

                                   3.1.1. full name;
                                3.1.2 e-mail;
                                  3.1.3 contact phone number;
                                  3.1.4. registered address or location;
                                  3.1.5. IP address.

3.2. The company may receive the following statistical data on the customer:

                                   3.2.1 data on the customer's company: name, legal address, form of business activity, country of registration and activity, field of activity, information on employees and management, etc;
                                  3.2.2 customer contact details: phone number, e-mail, etc;
                                  3.2.3. fiscal data;
                                  3.2.4. payment details required for mutual settlement with the customer and receipt of payments;
                                  3.2.5. publicly available information;
3.2.6. IP address 

3.3. The company may receive the following personal data on the management and employees of the customer's legal entity:

                                   3.3.1. full name;
                                  3.3.2 e-mail;
                                  3.3.3 contact phone number;
                                  3.3.4. IP address.

                                   3.3.5. Address

3.4. The company may receive the following personal data about the guest:

                                   3.4.1. full name;
                                  3.4.2. IP address.
                                  3.4.3. Address. 

3.5. The company may collect personal data from the user when communicating with them through the following social networks: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. In that case, such data will be processed in accordance with this privacy policy.

3.6. The company informs that payment data is processed exclusively by the payment service/bank providing payment processing services. However, to carry out mutual settlements, the company may request the receipt of payment data during the signing of the contract for the provision of services.

3.7. During the provision of the services, the company may collect personal and statistical data necessary for the provision of the services and the fulfilment of the terms of the contract signed between the company and the customer.


3.8. The company may collect personal and statistical data during communication with the customer, obtained through messengers, telephone contact and/or e-mail. In such a case, such data will be processed in accordance with this privacy policy.


3.9. The company may use your personal and statistical data for customised marketing, based on the use of personal and statistical data obtained during your use of the site, browsing data and order history.


3.10. Arinka Soap does not collect or process users' sensitive personal data, such as racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic or biometric data, health information, sex life or sexual orientation.


3.11. When you visit the site or receive services, the Company may automatically collect the following personal and statistical data:


                                   3.11.1.IP address;
3.11.2 time zone and language settings;
                                  3.11.3 browser type and version;
                                  3.11.4. operating system, device type and screen expansion;
                                  3.11.5. the country you are in;
                                  3.11.6 data about your visit to the site, including full URL information, routes to and from the site (including date and time), page response time, data loading errors, dwell time on particular pages, page activity (such as scrolling and mouse movements, clicks), methods used to leave the page and phone numbers to contact user support.


3.12. The Company has the right to collect and receive personal and statistical data as follows:


                                   3.12.1. when providing services to the user;
                                  3.12.2. when communicating with the user via telephone, social networks, e-mail;
                                  3.12.3. on signing the contract;
                                  3.12.4. during negotiations;
                                  3.12.5 Use of log files, cookies and other tracking technologies.


3.13. The company has the right to use personal and statistical data for the following purposes:


                                   3.13.1 delivery of the services;
                                  3.13.2. to ensure the security of the site;
                                  3.13.3. to administer the site and carry out internal activities, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing and survey completion;
                                  3.13.4. to improve your navigation on the site in accordance with your preferences;
                                  3.13.5. communication with you;
                                  3.13.6. respond to law enforcement requests;
                                  3.13.7. initiate responses to legal claims, investigations or dispute resolution with you.




4.1. The company may transfer personal data to entities with which the company cooperates in the implementation and delivery of services:


                                   4.1.1. Payment service. To receive payment for services, personal and statistical data may be transferred automatically.
                                  4.1.2. Contractors and employees. The company may transfer your personal and statistical data to other entities with which it will cooperate, including legal and tax advisers, as well as entities providing accounting, logistics, marketing and IT services.
                                4.1.3. Counterparties. The company has the right to disclose or transfer personal and statistical data in the following transactions: acquisition or merger, financing, corporate reorganisation, joint venture, including the sale of assets, or bankruptcy.
                                4.1.4. Courts, law enforcement agencies and government bodies. The company has the right to transfer personal and statistical data in case of complying with legal obligations, including in accordance with a court order.




5.1. The following actions shall be considered as consent to the processing of personal data and statistical data as specified in this Privacy Policy: receiving services.


5.2. By agreeing to the terms of this privacy policy, the user consents to:


                                   5.2.1. use of its personal and statistical data;
                                  5.2.2. processing of his personal and statistical data by the company in accordance with the terms of the privacy policy;
                                  5.2.3. providing additional information and personal and statistical data to the company at the company's request;
                                  5.2.4. processing of his payment details by the payment service/bank in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy;
                                  5.2.5. transfer of its data to third-party services, in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy;
                                  5.2.6. provide the company with details of its jurisdiction and location.


5.3. The Company reserves the right to obtain user consent through the pop-up form. The pop-up form may include a consent form in the сheckbox view.




6.1. The Company uses all necessary security and protection measures for personal data to ensure its confidentiality and prevent its loss or inappropriate disclosure.


6.2. The company protects and stores personal and statistical data of:


                                   6.2.1. losses;
                                  6.2.2. unauthorised use, transfer, disclosure, alteration, deletion and/or destruction.


6.3. We may use the following methods to protect personal and statistical data in accordance with the article "Security of processing" 32 GDPR:


                                   6.3.1. pseudonymisation and encryption of personal and statistical data;
                                  6.3.1. the ability to ensure constant confidentiality, integrity, availability and fault tolerance of the systems for processing personal data and statistical data;
                                  6.3.3. regularly testing, evaluating and measuring the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of processing personal data and statistical data.


6.4. The company shall not store the user's personal and statistical data in the event of a request to delete personal data on his behalf in accordance with the right to delete, as provided in  Article 17 of the "Right to erasure" GDPR.


6.5. The company is entitled to retain personal and statistical data of the user for 3 (three) years after termination of the relationship in the following cases:

                                   6.5.3. for statistical accounting;
                                  6.5.3. if current legislation requires its storage;
                                  6.5.3. if they are needed to conduct business.




7.1. The company processes personal and statistical data on the following legal grounds:


                                   7.1.1. User consent;
                                  7.1.2.Services received from the company;
                                  7.1.3. sign a contract;
                                  7.1.4. to comply with the provisions of applicable law, for the proper level of our business, the conclusion and execution of business transactions (sale of shares/shares, mergers, acquisitions), to fulfil your obligations to you and/or the third party.


7.2. In cases where your consent is the basis for processing personal and statistical data, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. To withdraw your consent, please send an e-mail to: If your consent is withdrawn, the company has the right to discontinue the provision of services and terminate all relations with you. If consent is withdrawn, your personal and statistical data will be permanently deleted.


7.3. The Company undertakes to stop processing personal and statistical data within 15 (fifteen) working days from the date of receipt of the withdrawal of consent.




8.1. To ensure basic customer rights, the company is guided by the following legislative acts:


                                   8.1.1. General Data Protection Regulation;
                                  8.1.2. Dutch GDPR implementation law.


8.2. During the processing of personal and statistical data, the company grants the user the following rights:


                                   8.2.1. Right of access. Users may contact us directly to request access to the personal and statistical data we hold about them, as well as any information.

                                 8.2.2. Right to erasure. The user has the right to erase personal data about him/herself. Personal and statistical data will be permanently erased in this case.

                                 8.2.3. Right to data portability. We may send the user's personal and statistical data to third parties.

                                 8.2.4. Right to rectification. The user has access to personal and statistical data to be updated, corrected and completed at any time.

                                 8.2.5.Right to object. The user has the right to object to the processing of his/her personal and statistical data at any time.

                                 8.2.6.Automated individual decision-making, including profiling. Users have the right not to be subjected to a decision based solely on the automated processing of their personal and statistical data, including profiling, that produces legal effects on them or affects them in a similar way to a significant extent.




9.1. A user in any jurisdiction has the right to submit a request to the Company if they believe their rights have been violated by submitting a request in writing to the Company's support at:


9.2. The user's request must contain precise information on the requirements for the company. If the exact requirements are not specified in the request, the company has the right to refuse to comply with the request.


9.3. We cannot respond to your request or provide you with personal and statistical data unless we can verify your identity and confirm that the personal and statistical data belong to you. In case of receipt of a request with incorrect information and/or in case of inability to confirm the user's identity, the company has the right not to process the received request and contact the user for clarification. If the user receives a response to a request for clarification, he must submit a corrected request or submit a new request.


9.4. The Company must respond to the request within 21 (twenty-one) working days from the time of receipt or comply with the conditions set out in the request.




10.1. The company informs the user that personal and statistical data may be used to provide the services, and if the user does not agree, he has no right to receive the services.


10.2. The company is not responsible for any damage suffered by the user as a result of the use of his personal and statistical data by a third party without his knowledge.


10.3. The Company may link to other websites or services. The privacy practices of these websites and services are not covered by this privacy policy and the Company cannot be held responsible for the processing of user's personal and statistical data by third-party websites and services.


10.4. The company is not responsible for:


                                   10.4.1. loss of personal and statistical data in case of hacker attack, hacking of the site's software, illegal actions of third parties, as well as actions that violate the terms of the privacy policy;

                                   10.4.2. inability to provide services or poor quality of provision of services if the customer provides incorrect personal and statistical data or other information;

                                   10.4.3. provision of incorrect information by the customer.


10.5. Unfortunately, the transmission of information over the internet may not be completely secure. Although we make every effort to protect personal data, we cannot guarantee that the transfer of personal data to the Site is secure. In this regard, you are solely responsible for any possible errors in transferring your personal and statistical data to the Company.




11.1. Pages of the Site may contain electronic images called web beacons (sometimes called transparent GIFs or pixel tags). Web beacons are usually small images placed on the web page or email you are viewing. The request made by an Internet-connected device to download such an image from the server/computer is recorded and provides us with information such as the IP address, the time the image was viewed and the type of browser used to do so.


11.2. Cookies do not transmit viruses and/or malware to your device, as the data in the cookie does not change during transmission and does not affect the performance of your computer in any way. They work more like logs (i.e. they record user activity and remember status information) and are updated each time you visit the site.


11.3. In providing the Services, we may use the following types of cookies:


                                   11.3.1. Session cookies, also called temporary cookies, exist only in temporary memory while the customer is on the page of the website. Browsers usually delete session cookies after the customer closes the browser window.

                                  11.3.2. Permanent cookies are deleted on a certain day or after a certain period of time. This means that information about cookie files is transferred to the server each time the customer visits the website to which these cookie files belong.

                                  11.3.3. Third-party cookies are a type of files that appear when a webpage contains compressed content from external websites, such as links to other websites. For example, they can be used to keep track of the history of the customer's visits to other websites.

                                  11.3.4.Web analytics cookies are used to analyse customer behaviour when viewing different pages of the site.


11.4. The Company uses cookies for the following purposes:

                                   11.4.1. authentication and identification;
                                  11.4.2. storage of personal preferences and settings;
                                  11.4.3 access session tracking;
                                  11.4.4 Website analysis.
                                  11.4.5. Facebook;
                                  11.4.6. Google Analytic;
                                  11.4.7. proprietary analysis system.




12.1. The Company's services are intended for persons of legal age, in accordance with the laws of the country where such person is resident. Arinka Soap does not process personal data of minors.


12.2. The company has the right to delete the personal and statistical data of a person who is not of age, without warning and without consequences for the company, as well as to terminate the provision of the services to such a person.


12.3. If you have any information regarding the receipt of the Services by a person who is a minor, please contact the Company's support service by sending an e-mail to:





12.4. We have the right to periodically make changes to the privacy policy, security of personal and statistical data and compliance with the requirements of the laws of the jurisdiction in which we operate.


12.5. The user is obliged to familiarise himself/herself with the new terms of the Privacy Policy and the Company is not responsible if the user has not familiarised himself/herself with the new terms of the Privacy Policy.


12.6. The company updates the date of changes to the current version of the privacy policy in the "Updated" line at the top of the document.


12.7. Our digital or otherwise stored copies of the Privacy Policy are considered accurate, complete, valid and enforceable and are in force at the time you visit the Site.




13.1. The user has the right to contact the company's support service: to safeguard his rights, in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy, or in case of violation of his rights, or to leave feedback or ask a question.